primewire Watch Fast Times at Ridgemont High Free Online
Actors=Robert Romanus
Reviews=Fast Times at Ridgemont High is a movie starring Sean Penn, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Judge Reinhold. A group of Southern California high school students are enjoying their most important subjects: sex, drugs, and rock n' roll
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I loved the roll Ray Waltson (Mr. Hand) played in Paint your wagon as Mad Jack Duncan
This movie shook Ray Walston's career away from My Favorite Martian. He's prob known more for this movie now. Very good actor if you look at his background. TV says you don't care if she CRIES, SHOUTS, LAUGHS OR POUTS. Brad should've punched that guy in the face right after getting fired. Bands whose songs would've been a better choice on the FTARH double album soundtrack. Amy tried them, the studio denied them. I can fix this car my dad has an awesome set of tools.
LOL, That bagel sticking out of Spicoli's pants.
If you notice at 1:16, there are pictures of swimsuit models in Spicoli's room. I used quotation marks because they were actually nude. They just drew over bikinis with permanent markers as a way to censor them in the trailer.
That was a short ass class.
They just don't make movies like this anymore.
The customer sounds like Woody Harrelson.
There are a lot of budding stars all around this film. As this is a fairly slow-paced movie, I suggest you make a point of it to count all of them. Make sure not to miss a young Nick Cage, who is listed in the credits under his birth name, Nicolas Coppola (yes, he is related to that Coppola; he changed his name to avoid (justified? charges of nepotism. He, of course, later won an Academy Award. So did Forrest Whittaker. Sean Penn won two.
Let's talk about Penn's character for a bit. He is a stoned California surfer dude that serves as the main comedy for this film. Is he funny on his own right? Yes; yes he is. He steals every scene he is in and shows the sort of charisma that you just cannot fake. The scenes he shares with the strict history teacher, Mr. Hands, are the some of the funniest I've seen in any eighties film, and that is saying something.
But it is far funnier considering that he is played by Mr. Dramatic Sean Penn. When I first watched this film, I had never seen him portray anything comedic or even close to it. And I have to say, it caught me off-guard. You wouldn't think a man who would be more fit for Shakespearean drama could make you laugh so hard at his dumb jokes. But it works. All hail Mr. Penn.
This film, like a lot of Mr. Crowe's work, does not rely on the typical three-act structure to keep you interested. It just takes you along, like the waves that Sean Penn's character surfs, and takes you into these people's lives. The atmosphere is not as palpable and moving as it is in Almost Famous, but it's there nonetheless. You feel for all these people's lives and ambitions as you ride with them through the year. The characters feel dramatified, but in a way that increases their humanity instead of obscuring it. The situations feel real: I look at this film and think, Yeah; that's what it's like."
If I had to give this film a personal score, I'd probably give it full points. This is exactly what I want to see from a high school movie; and even more than that, I have developed a sort of personal connection with it. The first time I sat down for a viewing, I was a high school student myself, and I was spellbound. There is a certain authenticity that's lacking in many high school movies, even many good ones. For one of very few times in my life, I felt like I was watching a high school movie that was made by people who had actually been in high school. The tone hits the sweet spot between cool indifference and passionate shenanigans.
For the life of me, I will never understand those who think this movie to be overly graphic. Yes, there is some sex in it. So be it. If there weren't sex, people would be missing the point of the film. It got an R; leave it alone. Now, why a film specifically and accurately showing the day-to-day activities of teens could not be seen by a lone teen is a different matter altogether. But nonetheless, the moral outrage this film caused is quaint and frankly weird. Remember, Animal House came out four years earlier. I'd love to time travel back to this film's release date and laugh at all the critics, including one man I greatly respect, the late Roger Ebert, who gave this film a one-star-rating in one of this most questionable decisions ever.
But if this did break new ground, then applause to it. And I have to admit, I think it did, particularly for a film of this nature. Whereas most of its eighties contemporaries now seem old fashioned and slightly uncomfortable, this film still feels refreshing and relevant. I don't know whether that is more because this movie took more risks or because or society has not progressed as far as I would have liked, but it is worth noting nonetheless.
And a result, the reactions are sort of flipped nowadays, at least from I've seen. The movies that were judged racy but acceptable at the date of release are now looked down upon by some, while movies like this have steadily been gaining their reputation as classics.
As it just me, or should Crowe try television? The flow of his movies is more like a weekly series. I think he'd do well. It'd certainly be worth a shot after producing no great films in the last fifteen years. But likely, his lack of success has less to do with that and more to do with him not having personal experience, which seems to be a necessity for him. Those years at Rolling Stone made him director material. They also gave him an impressive library of music that he makes great use of in his films.
I love Crowe. But he's not a perfect scriptwriter. And nor is Amy Heckerling, who actually directed this, a perfect director. And if I have to be brutally honest, some of the non-Penn performances feel a little stale. But this is definitely a movie with a lot to say and depict. If you want to know what was popular in the eighties, check out Ferris Bueller of BTTF. But if you want to experience the eighties, go watch this film.
1:27 One of the best comebacks/threats ever written for the screen. 😂😂😂.
So where is the dugout and baseball field. What Jefferson was we don't get some cool we'll be bogus ourselves...